District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, October 17, 2021
Childhood Cancer Initiative Report

I contacted Lion Sri and received this positive update; since it is full of such good news that I am including his whole report to me.

“The first two grants for $200,000 each, to both Medical College of Wisconsin in MILWAUKEE and University of Wisconsin- Madison are complete. Both the Flow Cytometer are in use and I receive a great deal of thanks to our MD27 Lions for this support. The Milwaukee group has successfully demonstrated the effectiveness of treating blood cancers in ADULTS (with 80%) in remission - these were cancers with days & weeks to live. We saved over 35 lives, with negligible side effects. So, the FDA has provided approval to treat 'Children’ with blood cancers with the CD20/19 protocol. Three children are enrolled now in this FIRST trial in the world. I will keep you informed, hopefully by your next meeting about further results. Madison has used the older CD19 protocol very effectively in 10 patients, all in remission.

The Marshfield grant to create a “Lions healing space” was approved in January for $40,000. The Marshfield clinic has started on this and hopefully will finish by fall 2021. PCC Geri is working with them to complete the grant.

On the request of the new CC Stacey, I have requested approval to pursue a grant. Due to the limited time given to me, I have requested that the DG’s/ COG approve me working with PDG Ronda from E2 on a grant she had put in effort to help children with cancer in Hudson. If approved, this will become a MD grant and get our MD27 Lions to get behind a project in E2 (after our successes in A1, D1, C1); then next year we can plan one in B2. Thus, we help children all across the state meeting our motto “where there is a need there is a lion”. (Lion Denise: The COG approved for me to proceed with getting the grant written & for presentation for approval at the October COG meeting)

Lion SRI
Chair, MD27 Childhood Cancer”

Respectfully submitted, Lion Julie Baglama
27-D1 Childhood Cancer Iniative

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