Service / Fun / Recognition / Shine a Light
District Meeting - Sunday, October 15, 2017
Coliseum Bar & Grill
Wisconsin Lions Missions Report

There are three upcoming eye glass missions as reported in August. The first will be a small mission to Lozendier, Haiti in November. 31 Wisconsin Lions will travel to Chinandega, Nicaragua for a mission from February 19 thru the 23rd. The third mission will be held in Usulut'an, El salvadore from February 26th thru Feb 26th. 34 Lions have volunteered for this mission.

On September 8th seven Wisconsin Lions left for Rockport, Texas to assist in any they could for the people of this small community who took the full impact of Hurricane Harvey. This was the first mission for the Missions Emergency Response team. Four of those volunteers were Roger and Pat Smith from Waunakee and Tom and Linda Brines from Shullsburg. What they found was total devastation and were immediately put to work with the cleanup effort. Their housing was provided by the Portland, Texas Lions Club members as there were no hotels available within 100 miles. Tom Brines is a former member of the Portland Lions and was instrumental in making this arrangement.

To date more than $20,000.00 has been raised from Lions Districts and individuals across the state. This money is being distributed to those most in need Gift cards were handed out to people who lost everything. A committee of Four Texas District Governors whose districts were hard hit will distribute some of the money. Dr. Nicole Soto who has helped with many of our missions in Mexico was given $1000.00 to help replace lost glasses or to help the most needy. She will furnish free exams and purchase glasses with the funds.

When there is a more complete assessment of needs going forward there may be a request for items that we can collect and deliver with the WLM trailer.

There will be an article in the next Wisconsin Lion that will give more details.

There is a need for more volunteers on the list of Lions who would wish to be involved in this kind of service. You can contact Bill Taubman at: or contact me at

Erling Isely
District Chair
(608) 846-4571

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