Service / Fun / Recognition / Shine a Light
District Meeting - Sunday, October 15, 2017
Coliseum Bar & Grill
Wisconsin Lions Foundation Report to the Council of Governors

I will start with a listing of the mission of the Wisconsin Lions Foundation as it helps me focus on what our purpose for the Lions of Wisconsin,

The Missson: We serve by reaching, touching and improving lives Our Vision: To be an organization that supports local community successes that influence and impact the wellbeing of all people.

Our Objective: To Champion Lions organization service to the communities and implementing programs to sustain the funding requined to achieve our mission effectively.

Our Statewide programs include, Lions Camp, Eye Glass Recycling, Childrens and Adult Vision Screening, Hearing and Diabetes Awareness.

Each year we provide a camping experience for up to 1500 Campers at our camp and the management of that program and the facilities requires the majority of our staff. The Pride that the Lions of Wisconsin feel toward this program is always shown as we move around the State.

The Eye Glass Recycling Center has received a lot of interest and activity in the past year with the effects of the Eye Glass Challange involving all Lions in the State. The number of glasses received and processed will be a record and staff and voulunteers have done a great job under the leadership of Eye Glass Center Manager Liz Shelley. I hope that all you convention Chairs are planning an eye glass sort as part of you convention. I would be happy to help make this happen.

The childrens and adult vision screening has been challanged to screen and report 100,000 children in the state this year. It is important for screeners be trained and certified so the program is uniform. Results should be reported to the District Vison Chair and them to the WLF contact Megan Postelnik. Make sure that information includes the district so you will get credit.

Diabetes Focus Group has been waiting for the information on the new diabetes inatiive developed by LCI. I hope that each of you districts have a Diabetes Chair and that you will encourage them to attend the next Diabetes Focus Group meeting October 28 th . Complete represtation will make the development of a suscessful statewide program suscessful.

The WLF Board meet September 9th . The Board and its Officers were installed by PDG Peter Cerniglia. All committees met and approved the perliminary budgets for the 18-19 year. Two proposals concering the Friend and Honors Garden were presented and approved. A special sale effort for the flawed Diamonds and the development of a Weeders Group.

Your Foundation Staff and Board encourage you to have your members include The Foundation and all of its activities in your giving. With out the generous support of the Lions of Wisconsin we can not get it all done. The Fall weather reminds us that now is the time to get the work out about Deer Hides. This is the 30 th year of this Camp Fund Raiser and now is the time to get over the $1,000,000 total. Lets make Burnie proud.

I am looking forward to participating in you conventions and would be happy to attend any evemts. Thanks for all you do.

Respectfully submitted
Lion John Dickson

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