Service / Fun / Recognition / Shine a Light
District Meeting - Sunday, August 6, 2017
Coliseum Bar & Grill
International Convention Report

The 100th Anniversary Convention in Chicago was a great time and experience for everyone who attended. 30,000 Lions from over 170 Countries were there to celebrate what we have done and what will be our new goals, like the Diabetes challenge. Our past International President Chancellor Bob Corlew from Tennessee did an outstanding job of speaking, welcoming guest speakers and entertainment. Our New District Governor's were installed and the new year of service is off to a fast start. I look forward to being in Las Vegas next summer and I hope a lot of you will attend; it will be fun and a few years before it will be back in the USA.

Conventions, whether our District, State or International are always a good place to meet other Lions and renew our Lions spirit. The USA-Canada Forum is another opportunity to gain valuable information on Leadership, membership growth and many other topics on Lionism. This year it is in Portland OR on September 21-23, a nice part of the Country to visit. My wife Nancy and I will be attending, I hope to see a lot of you there.

by 1st VDG John Elvekrog

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