January Cabinet Meeting
Lions Pride Endowment Fund of WI, Inc., Report

The LPEF Board Meeting was held on Friday November 4th, it was a web based meeting. The next LPEF Board meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 15, 2016 at the Suby office in Madison. The BMO Team will be at the meeting to present their semi-annual report to the LPEF Board.

LPEF has hired Kerry Mondloch to manage the bookkeeping duties of Lions Pride. LPEF annual audit is scheduled for March 14th & 15th.

At the B1 Convention Chairman Dewey Carl presented WLF President Jack Reindl with an additional check from LPEF for $30,000 designated for Lions camp. This past season interest on donor designated donations covered the cost of 140+ campers.

The year-end giving request and Christmas cards went out the first week of December.

Lions Pride invites you to check out our blog at; blog.lionspride.org a new one post every Thursday. You can go to our website and click on the owl icon to view the blog and sign up to have the blog come directly to your email account. lt doesn't always talk about Lions Pride for example; we recently featured the Deer Hide collection along with Hunter safety Tips, the B2 and B1 Conventions, a Thanksgiving Message and most recently all the Holidays celebrated in December.

As always we ask for your continued support both personal and from your districts and extend an invitation to join the Pride family if you are not yet a member. When you join the Lions Pride family you truly become part of "Today's help, Tomorrow's Hope"'.

Visit us at www.lionspride.org and be sure to like us on Facebook.

Respectfully submitted,

DG Susan Selner LPEF CounciI Representative
Dewey Carl, LPEF Pres/CEO
Geri Schlender, LPEF Executive Director

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