January Cabinet Meeting

Report submitted by: Lion Kathie Yanden Berg
Regional Coordinator for Districts 27A-1, 27A-2, 27D-1

Leader Dog Campaign budget was $14.5 million. So far $13.7 million has been raised thru cash donation or pledges.

Lion Ciubs were asked to raise $3 million and so far have raised $2 rnillion plus.

Wisconsin Lions have raised $115,771 as of December 2015

Districts A-1, A-2 and D-1 as of December 2015 have raised $53,503 thru donations and pledges ranging from 2 to 5 years. 2 Clubs have donated/pledged $7,500 or more to participate in the Campaign Naming Opportunities. Their naming opportunity is for the Canine Suites.

All of the Leader Dog Bricks that were purchased by Clubs in memory or honor of a fellow Lion are now all laid leading to the front entrance of building.

Phase one is occupied, have a fully operational veterinary clinic. Breeding wing is active and nine meetings to create future Leader Dog puppies have taken place. Seven litters of puppies have been housed in the puppy wing. When completed will be able to house 310 large dogs at any time. Puppy viewing area in the lobby has proven to be very popular with visitors, volunteers. (personal note: the puppy viewing area reminds me of a old song "How Much Is That Puppy In The Window").

Leader Dog is still partnering with correctional faciiities to be part of the puppy raising program. There are currently 7 facilities taking part. Two dogs in Wisconsin come from one of the facilities.

ln Wisconsin there are currently 59 Leader Dog Graduates.

Thank you Wisconsin Lions for all your support over the years.

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