January Cabinet Meeting
1st Vice District Governor Report

I just attended the Council of Governors meeting in Stevens Point this last weekend. On Friday night we had some more 1st Vice District Governor training and then we met with the current District Governors to discuss changes to the State Newsletter. The Editorial Board had recommended 10 monthly newsletters with 4 of them being published. The current Council of Governors came back wanting to know the cost of 4 on line only newsletters with State information only. Further discussions will take place.

I look forward to attending some of the upcoming Zone meetings to meet some more of the Lions of the district. I also felt that the regional meetings that were held in October were very successful and will be holding them next year as well.

When discussing the regional meetings and implementing them the Executive team found that some of the regions were geographically challenging so in order to try to make the more geographically equal we will be rezoning the district into three regions with four zones in each region for a total of twelve zones instead of the current fourteen.

In the end of February I will be attending District Governor area training in Minneapolis. For the training I need to have some goals for GLT and GMT created as well as have most of my cabinet established. In order to complete these goals I will need your help as existing cabinet members to either serve on my cabinet in your current positions or another cabinet position. I will be calling individuals on the cabinet in the coming month to form my cabinet.

I also want to congratulate the Champions Lions Club that will be chartered next month. I know that it has taken a lot of effort by 2nd VDG Jodi and other members of the club but it is great to have another club joining our Lions community.

I want to also invite all of you to the District Convention. It is a great opportunity to learn about Lions' projects and to meet other Lions from throughout the district.

I want to thank all of you for all that you do in your community and also want to thank you for the opportunity to serve as your 1st Vice District Governor this year.

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