March Cabinet Meeting
1st VDG Report for March 13, 2015 District Convention Meeting

Since the cabinet meeting on January 18, 2015, I have attended Zone meetings for Region 3 Zone 1 & 2 in Cobb, Region 4 Zone 1 in Fennimore and Region 2 Zone 2 at Portage. Traveled to Cassville to help the club officers learn how to put information into the MYLCI system, and get them back on track after the passing of long time Secretary, Treasurer and President. Attended two District Convention Committee meetings, and have the necrology service ready for the District Convention.

Will be attending the District Governors Elect training in Minneapolis the last weekend of February.

In my spare time I have also been recruiting Lions members to be on my District Cabinet for 2015-2016. As of February 27, 2015, I only need a Zone Chair in Region 4 Zone 3. I would like to thank PID Peter Cerniglia and PDG Walt Althaus for helping me find Zone Chairs in their respective zone. PID Neil Winchell is helping me with the Region 4 Zone 3 as well.

Yours in Lionism
1st VDG Dick Schwedrsky

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