Lions International Youth Exchange Report
Distinct 27-D1 Cabinet Meeting - August 3rd, 2014

Summary 2013/14

  1. District 27-D1 Sponsored 4 outgoing youth, each receiving a $1000 District scholarship. Our district youth went to: Estonia, Germany and 2x Italy.
  2. Our District hosted 8 youth out of 54 kids from 23 countries and also invited 3 of 4 USA campers to our camp.
  3. Our youth camp was held from July 20th - July 27th at Camp Vista near Campbellsport WI. and was a great success. Along with the 54 youth from 23 countries, we had 14 volunteer counselors (including a RN and Red Cross Life Guard) and 12 mostly Lion and Lioness staff volunteers.
  4. During our Field Trip our youth visited the Wisconsin Lions Eye Bank and were hosted to a picnic by The Marshall Lions Club. The Eye Bank provided a very informative tour and many photo ops with our own special Lion Scott Grover and the Marshall Lions Club had a great barbeque and in addition, brought along 20+ local youth to provide support and instruction for several games which included American Baseball. Our camp survey included several very positive comments regarding both the picnic and the Eye Bank tour.


We are currently soliciting funds from our district Lions and Lioness clubs to finance this year's program. These funds are used to administer this program which involves paying our districts' share of the Youth Exchange camp-related fees, youth exchange scholarships and host family stipends. All the funds collected are used only for direct youth exchange related costs. There are no indirect fees; every person involved in this program is a volunteer including the camp counselors. Our scholarship deadline is December 15th; so if possible, please make your donations early so we can allocate scholarships accordingly.


As of July 17th 2014, we have of $5405 accumulated from current and carryover donations. This includes several donations made in memory of Joe Kornell, of note $500 from the Marshall Lions Club.

Camp fee - $3400 (paid by each of the 10 state Lions Districts)*
Scholarships - $1000 x 4 = $4000
Eye Bank YE picnic - $176.39
Host family Stipends - $150 x 5 = $750
Misc - ~$75.00 authorized purchase of items for YE student from lost luggage.

TOTAL INCOME FOR 2013/14 = $5910
TOTAL EXPENSES FOR 2013/14 = $8404.36*


There are currently 3 volunteers on the District 27-D1 youth exchange committee; Terry Miller - Pardeeville, Dave Peltier - Beloit Noon and Ben August - Token Creek.

It's a pleasure serving on this committee and participating in a program that satisfies the first objective of the Lions “To create and foster a spirit of understanding among peoples of the world.”

Lion Ben August
Youth Exchange Committee Chair

Camp Director Ben August's post camp thoughts, posted to our YE camp Face Book group 2014

“Those of us that have participated in our Wisconsin Lions International Youth Exchange Camp over the years have a unique perspective in that we get to have this experience every year. Every year campers ask me if this was the best camp ever, and every year my reply is YES! Even though this might seem ingenuine or contradictory, it's true. Each camp is unique in that, as individuals, we are all unique so together each camp has its own special reflection; the sum of all of us together, which can make each camp the best and this year was no exception.

Each year there are special moments that remind me how lucky I am to be alive and how important it is to share ourselves with each other to fully appreciate what it means to live. Without these moments, life would only be existence without meaning.

So here, I want to thank you for sharing your lives with me and I carry our shared experience into the future. Now, I can see the world in a new and unique way, thorough the eyes of all of my friends from Camp Vista Wisconsin. I love you guys!”

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