August 3 Cabinet Meeting
MD 27 D1 Hearing

The results of the MD 27 D1 Hearing aid project for Lionistic Year 2013-2014 was that the account at the Wisconsin Lions Foundation started out with a balance of $5,194.10 in donations. The cost of the hearing aids that were distributed during the year was $8,360.10 for the 16 hearing aids that were given out. The audiologist fees for the year were $2,999.99 with three pending audiologist fees. The donations for the year included $400.00 from three different clubs sent directly to the Wisconsin Lions Foundation and two checks that were sent to the Foundation from the MD 27 D1 District Hearing Fund for a total of $6,400.00. The remaining balance at the Foundation is currently $634.01.

I would like to ask the Cabinet to please approve the transfer of funds from the MD 27 D1 Hearing Account at the District to the MD 27 D1 Hearing Account at the Foundation so that pending audiology fees can be paid and that the District has funds available for new hearing Aid requests. Also I would like to recommend that clubs donate to the Wisconsin Lions Foundation directly with the MD 27 D1 Hearing in the memo field so that donations will be recognized for the club's banner patch.

Lion Eric Holthaus
2nd Vice District Governor

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