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District 27 - D1

27-D1 District Cabinet Meeting - May 9, 2020 - via WebEx

Cabinet Meeting Minutes

Call to Order at 10:02 am by DG Conrad Dreyer

Pledge led by 1st VDG Tammy Rockenbach

Words of Wisdom given by 2nd VDG Bill Clausius
“If you believe it will work out, you'll see opportunity. If you believe it won't, you'll see obstacles.”

Secretary Report - DG Conrad reported the minutes are on the District website. There were no additions or corrections. Motion to approvethe January 19th meeting minutes was made by ZC Adam Crowson, 2nd by 1st VDG Tammy Rockenbach, motion carries unanimously.

Treasurer Report - CT Bill Severson stated that financials will be posted on the 27 D-1 website. We have $29,000 in the Administrative account along with the $20,000 he moved into CD's. The Activities account is sitting at $69,000. We are still in decent financial shape given we didn't have our District Convention. The Convention losses ended up at $7500. Roughly $5000 of that comes from the Chula Vista bill.

ZC Adam Crowson questioned the funds being generated for officer training this year as we won't have any in-person, all will be done on Zoom. CT Bill will correct.

Motion to approve the Treasurers report by 1st VDG Tammy Rockenbach, 2nd by PDG Rob Sherman, motion passes unanimously.

Membership - We need to work on retention. We've lost 18 members to death this year in the district, so we are setting at -26 for the year. We are doing a great job of adding new members. But where we need to concentrate is keeping our younger members involved and active Lions members.

Campaign 100 - We as a District contributed $37,000 last year to LCIF. So far this year we've donated $31,000. It may take a hit with the Covid 19 Pandemic reducing fund raising opportunities.

Service projects in 27 D-1 were in good shape to exceed last year's totals. With the Pandemic, a lot of the clubs activities have been cancelled. We most likely won't see too much more reported for this year.

Zoom Purchase for the District - We've used this for executive team meetings. We would like to purchase for our District a subscription to Zoom for use of meetings and training. Annual is around $150. Motion to purchase by PDG Eric Holthaus, 2nd by GMT Tara Vraniak. Approved unanimously. DG or they may appoint a technology committee to administer the use of this service.

Raffle Money from 2019 District Convention - We as an executive committee would like to recommend holding off on any donations with the $1200 left over raffle money. Motion PDG Rob Sherman, 2nd GLT Tony Sobczak, approved unanimously.

Elections - All Delegates have been certified. Ballots will be sent out tomorrow May 10th. We ended up with 119 members certified from 20 Clubs. Election will end on May 17th. DG Conrad will contact all contested elections on the 18th, with all other results being released on the 19th.

Council of Governors - At the last meeting,they elected a new Lions State of Wisconsin GMT, GLT, & GST. Congrats to new GMT Dan Montain, GLT Jodi Burmester, & GST Greg Pryor.

Officer Training - All Officer Training will be done with Zoom this year. Lions Tony, Bruce, and Adam will be handlingthese meetings. All officers have had invites sent out already. There will be some challenges with Internet Service and things in out-lying areas, but we will see how it works out. They will open it up to others members by sending out email to all club presidents.

Lioness Update - We are in the final year of Lioness. There are two clubs that are folding for sure. Beloit and Cobb will be dropping. Others will be converting to Lions clubs, but some may drop as well. Lion Greg Clark will be working as close as he can with the remaining clubs to figure out what is the best transition for them.

August 2nd Cabinet Meeting - We weren't able to give our awards at the District Convention, so the thought is we could have a picnic in Albany after the August cabinet meeting. The cabinet meeting would start at 10:00am and go to about 12:00pm. It would be followed by a celebration lunch of brats and burgers and awards presentation. We thought this would be a proper way to recognize all that have done extraordinary things for their clubs and the district. The district would cover the majority of the costs with maybe a $5 per person fee for the picnic. This is all depending on whether the Pandemic restrictions have been lifted.

Standing Committees

Global Membership Team - Lion Adam Crowson will be taking over for Tara Vraniak.

Global Leadership Team - Lion Tony Sobczak will be taking on this responsibility.

Global Service Team - Lion Bruce Voight will continue his role into next year.

Thank you Lions Tara Vraniak, Mike Keller, and Bruce Voight for your commitment during the last year.

Membership retention problems will be a main focus heading into next year. Getting through the officer training using Zoom has been a major challenge during the pandemic. Some issues that are holding them back are Internet quality in the southwest corner of the district. We will need to come up with other ways to serve them once the pandemic is over.

Wisconsin Lions Foundation - All camps are off for this summer because of Covid 19. Director Laurie has submitted her report. The kids raffle will continue and Laurie and Eric will distribute tickets to the clubs.

Restoring Hope Transplant House - It was voted on at the Council of Governors meeting to continue as a statewide project. A donor came forward with $150,000 donation and that was used to pay off the mortgage on the house. They will be breaking ground on their expansion project this summer provided the Pandemic doesn't interfere. Still need donations for all other expenses.


Lions Youth Exchange - Director Lion Ben August - the entire program have been cancelled this year and the decision was made in mid March so there where no financial complications for air fare and such. All money has been returned to him and been placed back in the bank. Their program had six kids that applied for camps and they will be offered again next year if they so choose. They will be offered scholarships without having to re-submit the scholarship paperwork. Hopefully they will have a really big group next year.

Wisconsin Lion District Newspaper - Continue to send pictures and articles that can go on the 27 D-1 pages of the Wisconsin Lion and the District web page News column (send to pr@lions27d1.org). Editor Lion Mike hasn't had much sent to him because of the Pandemic. Keep your Facebook pages up to date so people in your communities know what you're up to.

Youth Vision Screening - Lion Milo said they've completed about two thirds of their normal screenings for the year. They were lucky to get them in before everything shut down. DG Conrad said the Vision account has a lot of money in it, so if any equipment needs to be updated, now would be the time to do it. They are offering vision screening training online so contact Milo or Scott Grover and they will get you set up.

Lions Eye Bank - PDG Rick said the eye bank has been shut down totally to visitors because of the Pandemic. Transplants have been down and price to obtain has gone up because of protective equipment needed when recovering the tissue. All tissue will have to be tested for Covid 19 before being used for transplants. This test alone runs about $250 so any support that clubs give them is badly needed.

International Directors - IPID Pete Cerniglia - there will be no new directors elected because of lost time during the Pandemic. Directors will instead serve 3-year terms.

Utilize Virtual Events from LCI at LionsClub.org.

PDG Rick mentioned that PDG Jodi could send out links to all Club Presidents so they can utilize all these training resources.

Justin Faber who was signed up for our District Convention has agreed to do the 2020 Convention.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:18am.

Treasurers Report - Administration (Excel)
Treasurers Report - Activities (Excel)
District Governor Report
Children's Vision Screening Reporting Form (Excel)
Children's Vision Screening Summary
Global Leadership Team Report
Global Membership Team Report
Global Service Team Report
LCIF Report
Leader Dog Report
Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin Report (pdf)
Restoring Hope Transplant House Report (pdf)
Virtual Events Links Report
Wisconsin Lions Foundation Message
Wisconsin Lions Foundation Report
Youth Exchange Report (pdf)

Note: some reports are PDF format. You may downloadthe most recent free Adobe PDF reader at Adobe.

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