We Serve

District 27 - D1

27-D1 District Cabinet Meeting - March 10, 2023 - District Convention
Sharing the Service


DG Alan Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Our meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance, led by PID Justin Faber. DG Alan Johnson led in the singing of “I've Got that Lion's Spirit,” 1st VDG Jeff Winkler shared some words of inspiration and 2nd VDG Ron Wright provided the Invocation for the evening and then we ate dinner.

Convention Convention Chair, Lion Mike Vraniak, gave us a summary of what is in store for us this weekend.

State Convention and USA/Cananda Forum PDG Tammy Rockenbach reported that State Convention will be in Stevens Point May 11-13 and that ID Brian Sheehan will be there. The USA/Canada Forum is going to be in Reno, NV, September 21-23 with 80 seminars and keynote speakers who are top-notch and motivational.

Children's Vision Screening Lion Milo Parker thanked the 45 Lions who took part in the screening training today. We have the new machine, and he is ready to train at the club level, requesting that there are at least 10 people participating.

GAT Team GMT Chair Adam Crowson reported on behalf of the GAT Team that we're going back to in-person training. He reported that Officer Training has been renamed to Lions Workshops. The membership in our District is only +2 which is disappointing. June 1st MyLion and My LCI will be shut down and reformatted. GMA Jodi Burmester, talked about Lions Workshops and that the membership surveys that were sent out were well received by Lions and the various clubs. Rather than just sharing success stories let's also talk about the process of attaining a success story.

Guiding Lion Program DG Alan Johnson shared with us that two Lions had completed the Guiding Lion training: Lion Steve Pogue and Lion Eric Holthaus. The mantra of the program is: “Leadership is more than service, it is enabling others to be more productive”.

Hearing Lion Laurie Holthaus currently has 2 applications for hearing aids. You can go on the WLF website to obtain an application to request hearing aids. Lion Laurie helps to go through the applications to see who does and does not qualify for hearing aids.

International Relations PID Peter Cerniglia informed us that there are many nice videos to watch with lots of good information on them about what International is all about.

Leader Dog Lion Patty Zallar reported that they are having a great year. There are lots of programs and training opportunities going on. She also thanked everyone for all of the donations.

LEOS Lion Guy Gryphan reported that there were several LEOS from the Iowa-Grant club coming on Saturday to participate in the service projects and break-out sessions.

LCIF Lion Dan Marshall reported that there is currently $53,000 in the fund and that they are $9000 behind in donations.

WLF WLF Directors PDG John Elvekrog and Lion Jim Fletcher reported together that the Lions Camp Raffle raised $45,000 in 2022. Pick up your tickets for this year before you leave. Deer hide collection made $90,000 last year. They also had bags of coffee cup sleeves to hand out to anyone who was interested in taking them. There is a QR code on the back of them which has an ADA Diabetes Risk Test and on the other side a website: www.PreventDiabetesWI.org Their idea was to take them to a local coffee shop to use and help to spread the word about prevention. Jim also reviewed events that are coming up and that we can look on-line for details.

DG Alan Johnson reported on Lions Camp. Campers are ready to come but the camp needs more staff/counselors. There are 472 campers already registered. DG Al also reported on the Youth Exchange program. Ben August is stepping away from the program and there are 27 kids wanting to go abroad already.

Restoring Hope Transplant House Cindy Herbst reported that they've had lots of changes in the last 3 years. Supply chains have had a decrease in products they need. They take care of LOTS of people and they lost money during COVID hardship, BUT, they did NOT close. One individual donated $300,000 to pay off their mortgage! Money is tight and they are very busy. They need a bigger house but they don't want to lose the charm of the ambience they have now. She is going to be doing a Podcast on RHTH. She was also thankful for the planter box that was donated by District Governors.

Lions Eye Bank of WI Erica Singley said they have raised $14,500 of the $23,000 which is their goal.

Lion Tony Sobczak moved to adjourn at 7:20pm; Lion Adam Crowson 2nd . Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Vicki Sobczak
District Cabinet Secretary

January Cabinet Meeting Minutes
Children's Vision Committee Report
Children's Vision Screening Reporting Form (Excel)
Children's Vision Screening Summary
Retention Report
Wisconsin Lions Foundation Report

Note: some reports are PDF format. You may download the most recent free Adobe PDF reader at Adobe.

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