District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, March 7, 2021
WLF Report

The Wisconsin Lions Foundation Board of Directors met on Saturday February 27, 2021 at the Lions Camp. Everything is going well so far this year and plans for the ten weeks summer camping season are progressing. A couple of items mentioned in the last report in December, we will be limiting the number of campers per week to 100 instead of the normal 150. We will not be working with the American Diabetes Association for the two weeks that Diabetes camp is held.

The financial situation of the WLF is very good and hopefully club donations will be close to normal. This past year we had a big increase in individual donations and Bequests, which helped offset club donations being down. The camp also received around $235,000 in Government PPP money due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Used eye glasses and hearing aid collection is down because of the cancellation of many District Conventions. I want to thank those of you that were able to help out with our December collection. We ended up with 75 boxes of glasses and a lot of hearing aids. We did not get the total numbers yet, but I know it was substantial. We will be doing another collection in late April, early May, to take to the State Convention. I will send out an e-mail to all the clubs so we can arrange for picking them up.

Lion Laurie, Lioness Julie and I will be getting the camp raffle tickets out to the clubs in the next few weeks. We will be working closely with the zone chairman to help us with this project. The drawing is not until September, but we know that it is best to get this done by May.

Thank you to everyone for supporting your Wisconsin Lions Camp and Foundation. If you have any questions, please contact one of us and we will do our best to get you the information.

WLF Director John Elvekrog

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