District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, March 7, 2021
Restoring Hope Transplant House Report

Tentative plans are to be able to go to construction on the expansion project sometime this Spring. Certain details have yet to be worked out. We are continuing to fundraise as best we can given continuing Covid concerns. We have several substantial donations pledged from companies that will provide items such as plumbing supplies and others that will offset some of the cost of the project. In order to offset some of the income loss resulting from the drastic reduction of patient and family stays at the house due to Covid, we are trying to secure ten corporate or individual sponsors of $10,000 each - this will greatly ease the current strain on the budget given the fact we had to secure a temporary location to operate out of during construction- the temporary location comes with a cost of $2,400 per month in rent. Your continuing financial support is especially critical at this time. We want to thank all the Lions of Wisconsin for all their help both financially and in kind. We will keep you posted on construction progress as we move forward.

Respectfully Submitted,
PDG Bob Faliveno

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