District Cabinet Meeting - Saturday, August 2, 2020
District Governor Report

We have such a great opportunity to make this a great year. Thank you for being on the District Cabinet Team. And I do mean team. Working as a team, we will overcome the challenges with COVID and be a better district because of it.

Technology will be our friend this year. Officer training was completed by emailing the training materials and holding zoom meetings for questions and answers. We have trained the zone chairs also using zoom technology. The Exec team has not been able to meet in person, so again, technology to the rescue and we are meeting via zoom. And finally, I had hoped to have this cabinet meeting in person, but with COVID still prevalent and restrictions in place we have moved to an online meeting. Not all bad, as we will be able to have 2IVP Brian Sheehan to install the cabinet and to inspire the district. Clubs are meeting using various combinations of in person and technologies. I have already visited clubs using both. Officer's are being installed, and members inducted.

Kindness Matters has been adopted by Lions Clubs International and is my theme. The service that Lions do is our kindness. Please continue to do this service. Kindness comes in many forms. It can be a smile or a cure. Remember during this time when many are self-isolating, a phone call to someone alone, is a kindness. How will you share your kindness?

Thank you for allowing me to be your District Governor this year. Along with Lion Greg we hope everyone stays safe and healthy.

Tammy Rockenbach

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