Building On Our Success
District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, October 14, 2018
Diabetes Committee Report (from committee meeting minutes)

September 15, 2018
In attendance: Chair Lion Jill Kietzke, Lion Mary Stanek, Lions Bob and Becky Faliveno; Absent: Lion Winnie Jentz, Lion John Dixon

Lion Mary requested that the Diabetes Committee make a donation to Lions Camp in memory of Lion Dale Boness. This has already been discussed informally and agreed upon. We will wait until further donations come in. Lion Becky put together a packet of information and provided it to club representatives that were in attendance at the meeting recent zone meeting in Cross Plains. The packet included available information from either committee members, or directly from Shelly at Wisconsin Lions Foundation at no charge. It also included information about the Lions challenge to clubs: Increase the number of service projects for diabetes over last year (77 in D1 last year). The club with highest percentage increase earns a $500 reward to use on diabetes supplies. Our own DG John challenges the clubs in this district to add at least 1 new project this year. More inspiration to come at the Cabinet meeting this weekend.

In addition to the free printed materials, there are also larger display boards that are available for clubs to borrow for events, or for committee members to utilize when presenting at area clubs.

Our goal is to make sure that this information is available to zone chairs for the upcoming zone meetings. Our hope is that at least one committee member will be able to make it to each of the zone meetings to provide this information over the next few weeks.

We also discussed that we need to remind zone chairs and attendees at these meetings that each club should have at least 1 diabetes representative or a committee to organize events and support diabetes awareness.

We would also like to encourage other clubs within the district to support the Waunakee club and community by witnessing a massive display of diabetes support throughout the month of November all over Waunakee. More details will be provided at the zone meetings or you can find more information here. This is being kicked off on October 13 with the Mollie-B Variety show, followed by the blue lights across downtown starting on October 20th , including businesses and residents, and continuing throughout the month of October.

This is essentially what the committee has been up to: preparing to inform and support our clubs in the district to make BIG things happen toward Destroying Diabetes!

Jill Kietzke

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