Building On Our Success
District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, October 14, 2018
1st VDG Report Report

I am handling the DG visits for Regions 3 & 4. I have about 1/3 of my visits scheduled and I am working on the rest. I should have these completed shortly. I have handled DG visit for Cottage Grove and it seems the issue they had with a member last year has been resolved or is no longer an issue. This is good as this is an strong Lions club.

I held the Zone meeting from Region 3 Zone 2 and attended the meetings for Region 3 Zone 1 and Region 4 Zone 1 & 2 (which were combined). All in all the meetings went well and it was great to hear of all the great things the Lions are doing locally. The focus remains helping those in need locally which is great. The Regions/Zones are performing well. We are still in need of a Zone Chair for R3Z2.

It is great to see all that benefit from our efforts. The only issue is R3Z2 only about 60% or the clubs attended the zone meeting and is was similar for R4Z1&2. I would like to see better attendance at the meeting, but the clubs in attendance were involved and had good representation.

Conrad Dreyer 1st VDG

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