District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, August 5, 2018
District 27D1 Environment Report

Hello Fellow Lions

Did you know that Lions have a Environmental program? The program includes tree planting, recycling, Community clean up, and Environmental education projects.

Challenges and opportunities can be explored on the LCI website. Learn about Sustainable Development Goals, discover how to conduct a Community Needs Assessment, and how to plan events.

Lions in 27D1 do roadside clean up or adopt-a-highway, and recycle home and business items that can harm the environment.

Please Fellow Lions of 27D1, share with me, and the district, your projects. You can do this by writing articles for the district Newspaper, using Facebook, contacting me and I will compile a list of articles and share the list at your District Convention.

Question 1: Does your club do a Highway clean up?

Question 2: Explain how your club and its members help your community help the environment?

Question 3: Do you have a Legacy project that is finished or in Progress?

District Environment Chairman
Al Johnson

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