New Mountains to Climb / Back to the Future
District Meeting - Friday, March 10, 2017
Middleton Marriot

Two Missions have just been completed. Thirty Wisconsin Lions served 3500 people in Leon Nicaragua the week of February 13 thru Feb. 18. In addition to the eye glass mission there was a two days of diabetes screening conducted by the Leon Lions.

The following week twenty seven Wisconsin Lions delivered glasses to 4150 people in San Salvador, El Salvador. We were transported by the military and our work site was on the army base located in the center of the city. San Salvadore is a city of 3.5 million people which is more than half the population of the country.

There will be two small missions to Haiti, one the end of March and the other the last week of May. Fire fighting equipment, medical and school supplies were taken to McAllen, TX in February to be transferred to Matamores, Mexico.

Erling Isely
District Chair

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