August Cabinet Meeting
MlNUTES of "Lions District 27-Dl" Annual State Meeting

The annual state meeting of the 27-D1 Lions, was held at the Abbey Resort, Fontana, Wl on May 15th, 2015. The meeting convened at 10:00 AM, PDG John Jenson presiding, and William Severson, Treasurer/Secretary.

Governor Elect Dick Schwedrsky led us in the pledge of allegiance. PDG Neil Winchell led us in invocation, song and told a story. William Severson presented Administrative and Activities Reports for the year to-date. He provided budget reports on the Administrative Account including the District convention. More clubs are sending donations directly to areas of need.

John Jenson wanted Cabinet members to look over the newer policies. We will be discussing it at our August 2nd Cabinet Meeting at Dodger Bowl, Dodgeville, Wl.

For the State Convention:
Resolution and by-laws: 2 on the ballot
    1. Need to allow the state convention be held on any of the first three weekends of May
    2. House keeping resolution - Allowing District Governor be a council chair allow 2nd VDG to select their future Council Chair.

Members in attendance: 42

Governor - Randy Harrison: Thanked everyone for the great year he had. The main idea for a lion is to serve their communities! Randy recognized several people: Scott Grover, Tammy Rockenbach, Alan Johnson, John Dickson, Jodi Burmester, Eric Horthaus, Dick Schwedrsky, William Severson, Bob and Becky Faliveno for the work and help they provided during the year.

Presentation of blue jacket to Randy. John welcomed Randy to the ranks of PDG's.

Governor Elect - Richard Schwedrsky - he said 30 years ago he never thought he would be District Governor. Dick touched on his three themes for this coming year:
    Manage Change or it will manage you
    Communicate - We need to get the Lions message out
    Service - We must increase our efforts to help people

Jerry Sherwin reported 2015 pins are in.

PlD Peter Cerniglia wanted entered into the minutes that Governor Elect Richard Schwedrsky had secured a Presidential Award.

At least 10-12 club activities were announced, recommended that all clubs submit them to the district web site http://lions27d
Certification for the balloting would occur right after the close of the meeting.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:49 AM.

William Severson
Appointed Secretary

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