August Cabinet Meeting
Lions MD 27-D1 Region 3, Zone 4

DG Dick Schwedrsky and 27-D1 Cabinet,

Presidents and secretaries of the four clubs in my Zone have been contacted by phone and/or email about our first meeting on Wed., Aug. 5, 2015, at the American Legion Hall in Cross Plains. They have also been asked to save the dates for the Oct. 21, 2015 and Jan. 17, 2016, Zone Meetings. They have been encouraged to invite other Lions in their clubs, as well.

The district website has been informed of the upcoming meetings.

As I look forward to a great year, I extend my gratitude to Lion Paul Ernst for serving as R3/Z4 Zone Chair for the last two years. Thank you for allowing me to serve.

Yours In Lioinism,
Lion Joyce Koch
(608) 548-4614

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