August Cabinet Meeting
District 27D1 GLT RePort

During the last six months your District Governors, GLT and GMT teams have achieved many goals. club and district leaders have been elected and appointed to their leadership positions.

Officer training was conducted at three sites. I would like to thank all presenters for their assistance!

Officers from 41 clubs out of 58 clubs in the district attended officer training. There were 17 clubs not represented at the trainings. I have contacted all but two clubs presidents of those 17. I offered the assistance of training to those clubs. I will be attending the Boscobel club meeting in September and offering words of encouragement for leaders.

There are 14 zones in the district with only 13 Zone chairmen. Zone meetings are being scheduled and placed on the district web page calendar. Twelve of the thirteen zone chairman attended one of two training section.

A survey was conducted after officer training, for the purpose of improving next years training. The locations may need to be changed. The changed locations will help insure access to computer internet connections. The training material should be updated and improved.

I would like to thank all leaders for their service this past year. I would also like to challenge all out-going leaders to go to the lnternational webpage and find the mentoring program. This program needs participation from all lion leaders and members. The-program is designed to encourage all members to help mentor each other as lions and human beings.

Looking forward to serving all lions in the district as your GLT - Coordinator in 2015-2016.
Al Johnson

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