August Cabinet Meeting

By PDG Daryl Porter & Lion Ed Proctor, Distaster ALERT Co-Chairs.

We're disappointed in our response to date. Only 1 Lions Club in District 27-D1 has a club ALERT program up and running and that is Co-Chr. Ed's home club in McFarland. The District ALERT Program has been a D1 Dist. Project since 2010 with guidance from LCI. l've been involved since 2013 and Lion Ed for the past year. We've tried to get the message out......

We've given brief ALERT presentations to all the Zones in the District, we've been invited and made presentations at Club meetings. This past year we've added an ALERT power point summary of ALERT and we've used that at every opportunity. Several clubs have expressed their interest and chosen club ALERT Chairs, but as far as we know, no further action has taken place. We ask them to determine what's needed in their area.

We hope that all will make a plea at their Zone Meetings to encourage their Lions clubs to be ready to help in an emergency. The average is 20 communities in Wisconsin are hit by tornados each year. Several have occurred in 27-D1 in the past several years and it would've been nice if Lions thru ALERT could have jumped in and helped. Or, is there something else needed? We have to be prepared.

Be Alert Lions Clubs! Lions can do that. Can't we??

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