October Cabinet Meeting
Region 1 Zone 1 Report

So far I have visited 3 of 4 clubs. I have yet to visit Beloit Evening.

The Milton Club was visited prior to the last cabinet meeting. It was well attended and well run. They currently are looking for additional fundraisers. Beloit Evening club helped them with their first classic auto show. The Milton club stands at 29 members having added one new member in the last report.

The Janesville club membership stands at 40. The new president Vern Shea runs an efficient meeting and stays on agenda. Attendance at regular meetings runs between 17 and 21 consistently. The club has recently become an executive partner with the “Friends of Riverside Park”. Two of the Riverside Park friends have become Lions in the past year.

The Beloit Noon Lions is in the middle of their CEP. I recently visited their club on 10/02/2014. The meeting was well run and followed an agenda. Lion Jodi Bermester was in attendance as their CEP coordinator. They are preparing to canvass the surrounding businesses to find new members. They are discussing a temporary move to a new meeting place and possibly reducing their current regular meeting time to one hour (currently they meet from 11:30 to 1:00). Nearly all attendees are retired. Their collective mindset was that the meetings need to be shorter to accomodate working people they wish to attract. They recently added two new members and stand at 53.

I will be visiting the Beloit Evening Lions within the next month. They recently held their largest fund raiser of the year in the Beloit Autorama.

Our zones commitment to EyeBank delivery includes Janesville Noon, Beloit Noon, Beloit Evening, Edgerton and the Beloit Lioness clubs. The delivery system has so far been effective with no known missed or lagged deliveries in the past year.

The Beloit Noon and Janesville Noon clubs along with the Beloit Lioness continue to jointly serve once a month the Blackhawk Pioneers. The Blackhawk Pioneers is a group of blind individuals who hold a monthly social meeting.

Please note: I distributed the survey to the Janesville club, but did not realize I had missed the deadline for submission. My visit to the Milton club preceded the surveys. I was going to distribute the survey to the Beloit Club, but Lion Jodi indicated it was no longer necessary. The completed surveys were handed to Lion Jodi, who indicated they were consistent with the findings of the other surveys submitted.

Respectfully Summitted

Lion Greg Heinen
Zone Chair Region 1 Zone 1

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