January Cabinet Meeting
2nd VDG Report - January 2015

Lions International President Joe Preston sent an email to Lions just recently in which he mentioned three programs that he hopes that all Lions will support. One of the programs is the Start One campaign where Lions International is trying to have each District start a new club. The second program is the Ask 1 Campaign where Lions International would like every member to ask at least one person during the year to join with the hopes that we can grow our membership. The third program that Lions International is now introducing is the Keep 1 Campaign. International now is recognizing that asking new members to join Lions is great but if we can keep existing members that helps to keep our Clubs and District strong.

Since the last cabinet meeting I have attended several Zone meetings to meet some more Lions in MD27D1 and look forward to the next round of Zone meetings. Last weekend I attended the Council of Governor's meeting in Stevens Point to hear about some of the committee and issues in the state. On Friday night they also held a training session for the 1st and 2nd Vice District Governors.I look forward to the next round of Zone meetings to meet some more Lions in the District and also look forward to seeing the Lions of the District at the District Convention in March. I want to thank the Lions of the District for allowing me to serve as their 2nd Vice District Governor this year and ask for their support at the District Convention as I run for 1st District Governor. I also want to thank all of the Lions for all that they do in their community.

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