We Serve

District 27 - D1

The Power of We

Service / Fun / Recognition / Shine a Light

State Convention District Cabinet Meeting - May 5, 2018
Grand Geneva Resort, Lake Geneva, WI

Called to order at 9am, by PDG John Jenson

Pledge - DGE John Elvekrog

Words of Wisdom - 1st VDGE Conrad Dreyer

Storyteller - PDG John Jenson

Secretary report - CS Tammy Rockenbach reported the minutes are on the website. Motion to approve by PDG Dick Schwedrsky, seconded by IPDG Eric Holthaus. Motion approved.

Treasurer report - CT Bill Severson, convention made $1900.00. Admin - $3387.24 gain, Activity $44,729.14. Several accounts have a lot of monies in them. Motion to approve by PID Phil Ingwell, seconded by ZC Laurie Holthaus. Motion approved.

There are no resolutions on the ballot. Ballot will include 2021 state convention location of Green Bay with no other locations on the ballot. Also, state bowling only has one location, Grafton. Curling location will show on ballot, but that is no longer voted on at state convention.

DG Jodi Burmester-State of the District. We excel in every area. The executive team makes the difference. To the cabinet - Thank You.

Guest - PIP Frank Moore, Executive Administrator for LCI. The future is bright for Lions.

DG Jodi said the organizational changes made in the district, splitting the district governor's duties with each taking 2 regions-1/3 of the district.

Cabinet meetings changed to a Sunday afternoon with dinner optional after.

January's cabinet meeting was our first online meeting. It went remarkably well. Will continue to do January meetings online.

District convention - format changed, moving everything to Saturday and Sunday. “We are the Champions” at the Saturday night hospitality was very moving. Two workshops on Sunday were held with amazing attendance. Each had 30 in attendance. This format will continue.

GLT Mike Keller and GMT Tara Vraniak did a fantastic job. Zone chair training was held right before the first cabinet meeting. Regional meetings in October were successful. In November, a CQI workshop was held in two areas of the district.

GMT Tara reinstated the exit interview program.

With two months left, we are still hopeful to getting a virtual diabetes club started.

Paul Baker with LCI, did a fantastic job with a growth workshop, and helped the Madison area clubs grow their membership.

We have gained 165 members, but we have lost 177 members.

Clubs need to focus on service, not check writing.

Finish strong, every club is challenged to be a net 0 or plus 1 in membership at years end.

LCI has a membership incentive with sponsors of new members being put in to win $750.

Thank you to Dale Burmester, aka Arm Candy for all the support.

DG Jodi - thank you for allowing her to represent the district.

End of State of District

Donations - Leader Dog donations are down this year.

Vision Screening - Challenged to screen 100,000 children in the state. Numbers screened in the state is 134,461. Last year our district screened about 11,000 kids. This year we are at 15,355 with numbers still coming in.

WLF Director - Lioness Julie Baglama was elected on the state level, as one of three Lioness directors.

State Convention - 2019 - Chula Vista. We will be moving back to the third week in May, at Chula Vista. Lion Missy Dickson will be the chair, and Lioness Jessica Schwedrsky will be the registrar. Theme will be the beach.

District Convention - PDG Rick Daluge will be chairing the event. We move back to the Marriott in Middleton.

Starting July 1st , MyLion will be the reporting device for service activity. MyLion is available as an app for smart phones and on the website. MyLCI will still be used for reporting membership numbers.

DG Jodi and Lion Dale presented to the executive team centennial coins.

Correspondence - thank you from CBI.

Normally we would present the DG their PDG jacket, but DG has requested not to have the jacket.

DG Elect - John Elvekrog - remarks- Thank you and congratulations to DG Jodi.

Looking forward to his year. Has been busy visiting clubs. Looking forward to working with his council and to working with 1st VDGE Conrad and 2nd VDGE Tammy.

It has been a long time since the last district governor came out of the Stoughton Lions club.

He has attended many conventions over the years.

As a district we are number 1.

Goals - to start a club in Barneveld. Asking each club to start a new service project. Promoting LCIF in their 50 years.

Congratulations to WLF President John Dickson.

Thank you and looking forward to next year.

Eye Bank - PID Peter Cerniglia - new building is 503 Tradewinds Parkway, Madison. Moving in September or October. Golf outing - Tee Up for Sight is June 7th , annual meeting is July 19 th at the Sheridan Hotel. LEBW tissue stays in Wisconsin, the other eye bank sends their tissue to Washington DC and then overseas. Please use Red Cross for blood drives rather than another blood bank.

WLF - President John Dickson - wonderful year. This district and the state is spectacular. People served by each Lion in the state is 159, in the district each Lion serves 245. Still has one year on the board. Thank you to ADP Greg Clark for getting a WLF Lioness representative elected from our district. Lioness Julie Baglama is the perfect candidate.

Thank you to ADP Greg Clark for stepping up to fill the need.

LCI turns 50 this year. The new initiatives are diabetes and children's cancer.

Children's Cancer Initiative-first grant coming to the state of WI for $100,000 to purchase a piece of equipment for research on blood cancer. We, as a state, need to raise $100,000 to match the grant. Dr. Sri has a 5 year mission goal. Please keep this initiative in mind when setting club budgets.

Please remember to get certified. Voting takes place in Linwood. Voting starts immediately after the adjournment of the WLF meeting and will go for 45 minutes.

A representative for the Green Bay convention provided the district with a box of chocolates. The chocolates were auctioned off for $55 and the monies went to the Children's Cancer Initiative.

Club Announcements: please send all information to prlions@27d1.org

Albany - social May 23rd , last Sunday in June - car show, first Saturday in August - pig roast

Dodgeville-June 10th flea market until the end of August, June 14th - golf outing

McFarland - chicken BBQ on Memorial Day, June 21st - golf outing, Food cart Wednesday every month the third Wednesday, except June is the 2nd Wednesday

Stoughton - Syttendemai - working food stand, DG golf outing - August 14

Madison Evening - August 8 is Save Sight Night at the Mallards game. Lion Patty Zallar will be doing a walk for Suicide Prevention

Oregon/Brooklyn -June 24 is Summerfest with Thrilla on the Grilla

Monticello - May 19 Spring Fling

Marshall - August 11 - Steak and Lobster Feed, May 20 - Wellness Fair for Diabetes

Birch-Sturm golf outing in July

Adjournment-10:15 am

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