We Serve

District 27-D1

You Have the Power

District Meeting - Sunday, January 19, 2014 - American Legion Hall, Cross Plains, WI

Cabinet Meeting Agenda

GMT/GLT Leadership Meeting, 10:30 AM, Rob Sherman

Diabetes Committee Meeting 10 AM, Dale Boness

Call to Order: @ Noon, DG Bob
1. Pledge: 1st VDG Randy Harrison
2. Song & Prayer: Lion Steve Mueller
3. Introduction of Guests, DG Bob, PDG Neil
4. LUNCH @ 12:15

Cabinet Meeting 1:00 PM.
1. Opening comments: DG Bob
2. Approval of October Cabinet Meeting minutes
3. Approval of Agenda
4. A Tall Tale by District Story Teller: PDG Neil Winchell

Committee Reports:
1. Adult Vision Screening: Todd Vieau/Dick Cashwell
2. Alert: IPDG Daryl Porter/Bill Teft
3. Affiliate, ADP: Sue Hineline, AL: Greg Clark
4. CARE/LCIF/ Restoring Hope House: Doc Esser/PID Pete Cerniglia/DG Bob
5. Candidate Search: PDG John Jenson
6. Children's Vision Screening: Dave Hineline
7. Constitution/By-Laws/Policy: PDG Arlen Milestone
8. Conventions: District: IPDG Daryl Porter, State, International: PDG John Jensen
9. Cultural & Community Activities: 2nd VDG Dick Schwedrsky
10. Curling: 1stVDG Randy
11. Diabetes: Dale Boness
12. District Bowling at Verona, Jan.25: DG Bob,( State Bowling March 8th: Bruce Voight)
13. Elections, CST: Bill Severson, Dick Leverentz
14. Environmental: PDG Rob Sherman, Diane Venden
15. Environmental Photo Contest: DG Bob
16. GLT: Rob Sherman
17. GMT: Jodi Burmester
18. GLT/GMT Leadership Committees, Extension, Membership, Women in Lions, Retention.
19. Hearing: Eric Holthaus, Dan Wilkinson
20. Helmer Lecy Sight Service Award: DG Bob
21. Information Technology: Scott Grover
22. International Relations: PID Pete Cerniglia
23. LCI/WI. Centennial Celebration Committee: DG Bob
24. Leader Dog: Bill Killian
25. Leo: Judy Hatz
26. Lions Eye Bank: PDG, EB President Mike Tiber/PDG Rick Daluge
27. Peace Poster: Jodi Mlynek/PDG Walt Althaus/DG Bob
28. Photographer: Chuck Basford
29. Pride: PDG Rollie Manthe
30. Pins: PDG Jerry Sherwin
31. Public Relations: Jodi Burmester
32. Quest: DG Bob
33. Research/Long Range Planning: PDG Arlen Milestone
34. Stuff the Bus Committee: DG Bob
35. USA /Canada Lions Leadership Forum: Tammy Rockenbach
36. WLF Directors: John Dickson/ Sam Powell
37. Wisconsin Lions Missions: PDG Glen Spring, Erling Isely
38. Youth Exchange: Ben August
39. Tail Twister: Dennis Gullickson
40. Adjourn @ 3PM


Minutes (pdf)

A reminder to zone chairs and committee chairs to file your report via e mail to cabinet secretary Bill Severson, wcseverson@gmail.com and Scott Grover revorg.scott@gmail.com. I would like to see the majority of reports filed in this manner to save time on Sunday.
DG Lion Bob

Attendance (pdf)
Treasurers Report - Activities (pdf)
Treasurers Report - Activities (detail) (pdf)
Treasurers Report - Administrative (pdf)
Ist Vice District Governor Report (pdf)
2nd Vice District Governor Report (pdf)
ALERT Report (pdf)
Convention Report (pdf)
Global Leadership Team Report (pdf)
Global Management Team Report (pdf)
Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin Report (pdf)
Restoring Hope Transplant House Report (pdf)
Restoring Hope Transplant House Report 2 (pdf)
Youth Exchange Report (pdf)
Wisconsin Lions Mission Report (pdf)

Note: most reports are PDF format. You may download the most recent free Adobe PDF reader at Adobe.

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