We Serve

District 27-D1

District Cabinet Meeting - KI Convention Center, Green Bay - May 19, 2012

The meeting was called to order by PDG John Jenson at 7:45 a.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by 1st VDG Lion Daryl Porter followed by song/invocation by PDG Lion Rick Daluge.

Roll Call of Clubs: Motion to suspend made by PID Lion Phil Ingwell, 2nd by IPDG Gene Francis was carried.

Secretary/Treasurer's Reports: Lion Terry DesJarlais asked the district cabinet to turn in their expense forms by June 15 for processing before the audit on July 11. Certification for voting members of the district may be done by 2:00 p.m. today at the registration desk. WLF, Lions Eye Bank and Leader Dog accounts will be zeroed out by June 15. Certain line items in the Administrative report will be eliminated like “Candy at the State Fair” and some accounts consolidated and renamed under titles GLT and GMT. Under the Activities report LEHP will be renamed Adult Vision Screening and some accounts eliminated like Information Technology which will be moved to the Administrative account.

Guest: A Lion from Menominee Lions Club was at our meeting to ask our support for the State Lions Bowling for 2014. He presented the district with chocolates as a gift from his club thanking us for our support. Later an auction was held and the chocolates were sold to Lion John Schuchart for $35.00.

By-Laws and Resolutions Committee report: PID Lion Phil Ingwel reported that nothing was on the ballot for voting this year. He did make a motion to thank Lion John Jenson for his work for the district in doing the district audit and in sending in Form 990 to the IRS on the district's behalf. Motion was 2nd by PDG Lion Rick Daluge, motion carried.

District Governor's Report: DG Neil reported that the year had been successful with many of the goals that he set for the district having been attained. For example a new campus club was formed at UW-Platteville with 33 members (we were the only district to do so) and 2 new Leos Clubs was formed at Southwestern and Waunakee. He indicated that VDG Lion Daryl Porter work in creating a new club at Clinton has resulted in making them a branch club for now and later a club in their own right when they get more prospective members. Also work on getting another campus club started at Edgewood College in Madison will begin as well as another Leo Club at Belmont. The district has shown an increase in the number of women by 5%. The number of Lion members is on the plus side and will hopefully stay that way with a month to go. DG Neil thanked the cabinet for their work in making this year a successful one.

District Business: DG Lion Neil Winchell conducted the business for the meeting. He reported that the district conventions did well the last couple of years with profits over $4,000 each of these years. He said that the district will host the state convention at the Marriott in Middleton in 2013 and that the district will net about 4 times that of a district convention. All the clubs will be asked to help with the organization and the running of the state convention and will share in the profits. The host chair of the state convention will be PDG Lion Rick Daluge, and DG Lion Neil Winchell will be in charge of the convention golf outing and PDG Lion John Jenson will be the convention coordinator on behalf of the state. Lions Daryl Porter, Bob Faliveno, and Randy Harrison, provided good leadership when the district had the convention in 2006 and their expertise will make this convention successful. A grant of $16,000 was given to the Middleton Lions by the city of Middleton to promote the city and its golf course. LCI has raised dues by $2.00 for the 2012-2013 Lionistic year and mileage will be increased from $.30 per mile to $.41 per mile. Also motel stays will be increased from $50 per night to $75 and meals from $16 per meal to $25. Motion was made by Lion Jodi Burmester to increase both the district governor and first vice district governor's budget for 2011-2012 by $250. Motion was 2 nd by Lion Rob Sherman and the motion was carried.

PDG presentation: IPDG Lion Gene Francis presented DG Neil with his blue coat thanking him for his year of service and his continuing service to the district as immediate past district governor.

Introduction of the DG-elect: DG Neil Winchell introduced the DG-elect Lion Daryl Porter.

First VDG and DG-elect's report: Lion Daryl Porter reported that he is working on forming his new cabinet; he has most positions filled, but he needs a volunteer Lion to be the Peace Poster chair. His goal is to reverse the 5-year trend of membership loss and one way is to get new clubs. He will have 4 lions whose mission is to find new clubs in the district especially a new campus club at Edgewood College and making the branch club at Clinton into a club in its own right.

Guest: Past International President Lion Sid Scruggs visited our meeting and gave us a pep talk about Lions being the greatest service organization in the world. Lions Club International is a “tool” to help local clubs and districts with their projects promoting eye health in their communities and throughout the world. He thanked each individual Lion for their contribution to Lionism.

Club Announcements: The clubs of the district announced various projects, activities, fund raisers, etc. The chocolates, donated to the district by Menominee Lions Club, were auctioned off.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by Lion John Jenson at 8:40 a.m.

Agenda (pdf)
Treasurers Report - Activities (pdf)
Treasurers Report - Administration (pdf)
Treasurers Report - Convention (pdf)

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